Plague Inc. Wiki

Climate Abilities[]

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These abilities will affect the plague in different countries, climates and temperatures.



Cold Resistance 1

Pathogen evolves to withstand cold temperatures and climates

Cold Resistance 2

Lower intracellular water volume prevents freezing. Increased effectiveness in cold climates

Heat Resistance 1

Pathogen evolves to withstand hot temperatures and climates

Heat Resistance 2

Pathogen avoids cellular breakdown in high temperatures.  Increased effectiveness in hot climates

Environmental Hardening

Pathogen develops hardened coating - becoming highly weather resistant and extremely comfortable in both hot and cold climates

Cure/Drug Resistance Abilities[]

These abilities will affect the plague's resistance against treatments and drugs. They will also slow down cure creation speed and increase more work required to create a cure.



Drug Resistance 1

Pathogen becomes resistant to class 1 and 2 drugs. Increase effectiveness in wealthy countries

Drug Resistance 2

Pathogen develops resistance to class 3 and 4 drugs. Increase effectiveness in wealthy countries

Genetic Hardening 1

Pathogen becomes harder to analyse in the lab. Decreases future research speed

Genetic Hardening 2

The pathogen does not reproduce in lab conditions. Decreases future research speed

Genetic ReShuffle 1

Pathogen DNA strands reassembled. More work needed to develop a cure

Genetic ReShuffle 2

A new strain of the pathogen now exists, increasing the work needed to develop a cure

Genetic ReShuffle 3

Multiple strains of the pathogen now exist, increasing the work needed to develop a cure

Unique Abilities[]

These are abilities exclusive to the plague, Neurax worm.



Trojan Planes 1

Manipulation of dopamine transporters results in a form of ADHD which encourages hosts to fly to a target country

Trojan Planes 2

Pheromone secretion used to get more hosts to travel on planes to target countries

Trojan Planes 3

Axillary steroids in humans used to bolster pheromone production, causing even more Trojan Planes

Trojan Roamers 1

Adrenaline secretion in Trojan hosts causes them to travel more, increasing infectivity in target country

Trojan Roamers 2

Adrenaline surges in Trojan hosts causes them to travel more, increasing infectivity in target country

Trojan Destroyers 1

Testosterone secretion in Trojan hosts causes destructive and aggressive behavior in target country

Trojan Destroyers 2

Testosterone surges in Trojan hosts causes destructive and aggressive behavior in target country
